Why I Prefer Printing My Own Dog Photography Prints

Photography has always been a passion of mine, and as a devoted dog lover, combining these two interests into dog photography has been a natural and fulfilling journey. Over the years, I've discovered that printing my own dog photography prints offers an unparalleled sense of satisfaction. While I do send away for fine art prints due to their specialized nature, my standard prints are always produced in-house. This blog will explore the reasons behind my preference, the process I follow, and the immense gratification it brings.

The Joy of Capturing the Perfect Shot

Before diving into the world of printing, it's important to understand the excitement that comes with capturing the perfect shot. Every dog has its own unique personality, and photographing them requires patience, creativity, and a deep understanding of canine behavior. Whether it's a playful puppy chase, a serene moment of a dog basking in the sun, or a portrait capturing the soulful eyes of an older dog, each photograph tells a story.

The process of taking the perfect picture involves many attempts, countless clicks, and sometimes, a bit of luck. Once I capture that perfect moment, the journey is only halfway complete. The next step is to bring that digital image into the physical world, where it can be admired and appreciated in a tangible form.

Why I Choose to Print My Own Standard Prints

Control Over the Entire Process

One of the primary reasons I print my own dog photography prints is the control it gives me over the entire process. From the initial capture to the final print, I am involved in every step. This level of involvement allows me to ensure that the final product is exactly as I envisioned.

When I print at home, I have the ability to make immediate adjustments. I can tweak the colors, adjust the brightness, and experiment with different paper types until I achieve the desired result. This kind of control is simply not possible when sending prints to an external printer.

Immediate Gratification

There is something incredibly satisfying about being able to print a photo and hold it in your hands within minutes. The immediate gratification of seeing my work in a tangible form is unparalleled. Instead of waiting days or even weeks for prints to arrive, I can enjoy the fruits of my labor almost instantly.

### Learning and Growth

Printing my own photos has also been a significant learning experience. Understanding the intricacies of color management, paper types, and printer settings has made me a better photographer. The process has taught me to pay closer attention to detail and has improved my skills in post-processing.

Cost-Effective for Standard Prints

While fine art prints can be expensive and require specialized equipment and expertise, standard prints are much more manageable in terms of cost. By printing my own standard prints, I can save money and still achieve high-quality results. This allows me to produce more prints without breaking the bank, which is especially important given the sheer number of photos I take.

When I Opt for Professional Fine Art Prints

Despite my preference for printing my own standard prints, there are times when I turn to professional services for fine art prints. Fine art prints require a level of precision and quality that is best achieved by specialists with advanced equipment.

Specialized Techniques and Materials

Fine art prints often involve specialized techniques and materials that go beyond standard printing capabilities. High-quality archival paper, advanced ink technology, and meticulous attention to detail are essential for producing prints that stand the test of time. Professional printers have the expertise and equipment necessary to achieve these standards.

Assurance of Quality

By sending my fine art prints to a professional printer, I can be confident that the final product will meet the highest standards of quality. This is especially important for prints that will be displayed in galleries or sold to clients. The assurance of quality provided by professional printers gives me peace of mind, knowing that my work will be presented in the best possible light.

The Process of Printing and Mounting My Prints

Selecting the Right Paper

One of the first steps in my printing process is selecting the right paper. Different types of paper can drastically affect the final look and feel of a print. For my dog photography, I prefer using high-quality photo paper that brings out the vivid colors and fine details of each image. Glossy paper is great for vibrant prints, while matte paper offers a more subtle, professional finish.

Printing the Image

Once I've selected the paper, it's time to print the image. Using a high-quality printer, I carefully adjust the settings to ensure the best possible print. This includes selecting the appropriate resolution, color management settings, and print size. I take my time with this step, as any mistakes here can affect the final product.

### Mounting in 16 by 20 Inch Mat Mounts

After printing, I mount my prints in 16 by 20 inch mat mounts. Mat mounting not only enhances the presentation of the print but also provides protection and stability. The white border of the mat adds a professional touch and draws attention to the image itself.

Mounting the prints involves carefully positioning the photo within the mat and securing it in place. Precision is key here to ensure that the image is perfectly centered and free from any creases or imperfections.

Sealing in Cellophane Bags

To protect my mounted prints from dust, moisture, and handling, I seal them in cellophane bags. This step is crucial for preserving the quality of the prints, especially if they are being transported or stored for any length of time. The cellophane bags provide a clear, protective barrier that keeps the prints looking pristine.

The Satisfaction of a Completed Image

Holding a completed image in my hands or seeing it displayed on the wall is an incredibly rewarding experience. Unlike viewing photos on a computer screen, printed images have a tangible presence that adds to their impact. The texture of the paper, the richness of the colors, and the clarity of the details all contribute to the overall experience.

Personal Connection

Printing my own photos allows me to forge a deeper personal connection with my work. Each print represents not only the moment captured in the photograph but also the effort and care that went into producing the final image. This personal connection adds an extra layer of meaning to my prints.

Sharing with Others

One of the greatest joys of photography is sharing my work with others. Printed photos make wonderful gifts and are often more appreciated than digital images. Friends and family members can display the prints in their homes, creating a lasting reminder of a special moment.

Professional Presentation

For exhibitions and sales, having high-quality prints is essential. By printing and mounting my own photos, I can ensure that each print meets my exacting standards. This professional presentation is crucial for making a positive impression on potential buyers and gallery curators.


Printing my own dog photography prints has become an integral part of my creative process. The control, immediate gratification, and personal connection it provides are unmatched. While I do rely on professional services for fine art prints, the satisfaction of producing my own standard prints is a rewarding and enriching experience.

From selecting the right paper to mounting and sealing the prints, each step is a labor of love that culminates in a beautiful, tangible representation of my work. Holding a completed image in my hands or seeing it displayed on the wall is a reminder of why I fell in love with photography in the first place. It's not just about capturing moments but about bringing them to life in a way that can be touched, held, and cherished for years to come.

For any photographer, whether amateur or professional, I highly recommend exploring the world of printing your own photos. The journey is filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and immense satisfaction. And for fellow dog lovers, there's nothing quite like seeing the joy and personality of our furry friends captured and preserved in a beautiful print.


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